          H1N1 馬政府推廣全民施打H1N1疫苗 ,不過行政院長吳敦義的夫人蔡令怡,竟然不捧場,吳敦義尷尬地說,太太不是有疑慮,只是覺得自己抗體夠了,他會勸太太去打,不過傳出行政院內部很多員工,也不敢嘗試,行政院4日只好安排集體施打,由新聞局長蘇俊賓帶頭。http://tw 西裝 Every rich and famous 的夫人, every TV Radio talk show host, you must all come out to say NO to H1N1 (Just 燒烤question yourself, how come even Obama's wife must have to say no to that shot to her own daughters.). Because it is a shot to poison your entire system of body without immediate wa 租房子y to know. That how they don't want to kill me in order to tool me to fool you that Reagon die under those dose because his lied, if you honest like me, you can live like me; no way, even you willing to 花蓮民宿 be honest like me, you have no way to survive like me under those doses, because I was poisoned since I was born, even the most poison bamboo forest snake "青竹絲" bit, did not kill me. Your entire Taiwan is under US ev 太平洋房屋ilest liars politicians gangsters's slaves control, that how you must not go to see any western trained doctor again, because every one of them is slaved by USA evilest liars politicians gang. Your only option is to burn down all hospital, to 設計裝潢kill all western doctor and nurse and lab workers (Why? Because doctor, nurse, and medical linked health carer, supposed to love every one of you like God love every one of us unconditionally, to do the duty to guard our decent life, they not only failed to do the duty 東森房屋 like God to love every of you unconditionally, but also failed to do the duty to stand firm to die for you to guard your right to say no to any shot like your parents can respect your right to say no to any food.), to demand your law makers to make law to provide every Taiwanese man free ha 居酒屋nd gun and bullets, to ban anyone from marrying any one, so that every man can have the right to kill that woman he loves openly to save her from any miserable future life. You need to nuclear the entire Continent of America and Hawaii and Switzerland to free yourself and the rest of the world, if you don't h 辦公室出租ave that nuclear weapon available, you should ask China Communist to do like that for you. Every man and woman will die sooner or later, you have to make sure you can die the hot way instead of cold cold hard.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 關鍵字排名  .

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