          在中國的故事 20110502 在中國的故事-20110502/ Part 3 At 02:43/11:44The snake raised inside man made tunnel, cannot be good to 長灘島 make Chinese medicine (You Taiwanese need to do your good Chinese traditional wo 房屋貸款rds reader and writer duty [Because you know how to read and write good Chinese traditional words, you m 吳哥窟ust have no right to be stupid bad ugly evil; you are rich and famous, you must have no right to be stupid bad ugly evil; yo 小型辦公室u own power force authority, you must have no right to be stupid bad ugly evil; not mention you are or work for any media that Chinese said "5.Myan. 土地買賣Want" field.] to tell China Communist to help those snakers owner to find a remote proper weather wild place to back to the wild natural, so that those snakes can 西服 grow up their wild natural free fully developed in order to be good enough to cure any man made sick. You must not watch those snakes to die miserably under those tunnel, because if you do 結婚, you must die more miserably than any one of those miserable died snakes.) , only wild natural snake body parts can be good enough to be used to make Chinese medicine.  You better not keep th 婚禮佈置at snake skin you got out of that man made tunnel. Those snake cannot even have freedom to breath the wild natural air, to touch wild natural soil, to eat wild natural lives, how dare you think those freeless snak 租辦公室es can be good enough to  help any your sick weak wicked human form to get rid out of you sucking man made disease.  .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 酒店經紀  .

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