          Chinese American - The second class US citizen Like Chinese said "Yo.Lead.B.Yo.B. Yo.10.B.Yo.Duh", like Western or Bible said "The first, the last; the last, the first"; second class US citizen- the Chinese American not qualified to seat the first place in the public working place or office, but can have the first advantagement to back to hea 婚禮顧問ven, all first class US citizen must have no way to have the luck back to heaven, until all second class US citizen- the Chinese American(Why Chinese American? Because Chinese is the lowest level of all race[Therefore, you have Chinese face value, you mus 酒店工作t make sure you don't have any more birth, not to bring more lowest to face the deadly ahead, because you are the lowset<Therefore, you may kill all Chinese, you must not look down anyone of them; because when you kill all Chinese, you can help anyone of them not come back 結婚西裝as Chinese the lowest race again; when you look down anyone of them, must mean you are worse than anyone of them, you are worse than anyone of the lowest race Chinese##Imagine, when you get rid of all the two lowest level of race - the Chinese and the Indian, what a better world may appear in front o 酒店兼職f all your eyes when you must have to come again to get a better life in this earth.##, you must have to fall into the deepest darkest hell with no chance to see day light again.> level of race, you failed to stand firm from fall, you must have to go to the deepest darkest hells with no chance to see day light again.], 關鍵字廣告 American is the only place that prisoners got the right to built their own free country) left them behind. Therefore, you are Chinese American, you must not seek the form of rich and famous, you must be a priceless unselfish (Because selfish, must be slavery, slavery must have no way to stand firm from falling into hells) good Chinese to 關鍵字行銷 do all you can to help the world to be better to deserve your good luck back to our heavenly home. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Like Chinese said "Yo.Lead.B.Yo.B. Yo.10.B.Yo.Duh", like Western or Bible said "The first, the last; the last, the first"; second 房屋出租class US citizen- the Chinese American not qualified to seat the first place in the public working place or office, but can have the first advantagement to back to heaven, all first class US citizen must have no way to have the luck back to heaven, until all second class US citizen- the Chinese American(Why Chinese American? Because Chinese is the lowest level of all race[Therefore, you ha 系統傢俱ve Chinese face value, you must make sure you don't have any more birth, not to bring more lowest to face the deadly ahead, because you are the lowset level of race, you failed to stand firm from fall, you must have to go to the deepest darkest hells with no chance to see day light again.], American is the only place that prisoners got the right to built their own free country) left them behind. Therefore, you are 裝潢Chinese American, you must not seek the form of rich and famous, you must be a priceless unselfish (Because selfish, must be slavery, slavery must have no way to stand firm from falling into hells) good Chinese to do all you can to help the world to be better to deserve your good luck back to our heavenly home. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 酒店經紀  .

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